Coronavirus: Robots use UV light beams to zap hospital viruses
UV light has been used for decades in water and air purification, and used in laboratories. But combining them with autonomous robots is a recent development...
The Operating Room Global (TORG)
The Largest Network of all Operating Room Professionals in one Place!
UV light has been used for decades in water and air purification, and used in laboratories. But combining them with autonomous robots is a recent development...
Laminectomy is usually done for back or neck pain that continues after medical treatment. Or it is done when the pain is accompanied by symptoms of nerve damage, such as…
The two most common surgical approaches in hip replacement are the posterior approach and anterior approach (sometimes called the "mini-anterior approach" or "muscle-sparing hip replacement"..
"Maybe you know," Keane asked us. "Can you tell me who the hell this Mallampati guy is? I keep hearing his name, but have no idea what my colleagues are…
They first exposed cells to chloroform, a potent anesthetic that doctors no longer use due to its dangerous side effects. They watched what happened using a powerful microscope “able to…
The surgical approach to correcting hammertoe depends on the severity of the deformity and other considerations. If the toe is still flexible, correction may involve re-routing a tendon in the…
"Thyroidectomy is used to treat thyroid disorders, such as cancer, noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter) and overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)...
The job is hard enough without this sort of reprehensible regulation. Furthermore, if it is so wildly dangerous to have food or drink in the ED, why do we allow…
Nearly 40 percent of pregnant surgery residents consider dropping out. Many wonder: Why can’t the system accommodate motherhood?
Caroline Hampton and the forgotten origins of the first personal protective equipment...
"The brain not only alters the way it communicates with the rest of the body… but the structural makeup of the basic building blocks of the brain are also changed…
Researchers from HKU’s school of public health reveal the coronavirus is up to 100 times more infectious through the eyes and airways than Sars Study in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine…
Blood plasma from recovered patients may hold antibodies produced to fight virus. A trial has begun in the UK to test if blood plasma from Covid-19 survivors could help treat…
Q1. Is there a shortage of gowns? Surgical masks? The FDA is aware that as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to expand globally, the supply chain for these devices will continue…
The demands on healthcare personnel (HCP) are extraordinary, but the importance of attention to personal protection cannot be underestimated. By way of example, a cluster of 17 SARS (severe acute…
No matter the hospital or practice, operating room issues are bound to arise. In some cases, those issues can become huge detriments to the safety of both patients and surgical…
Introduction In order to focus local resources on managing the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, “elective” surgery has been largely postponed and stopped. As the COVID-19 rates have already reached their…
Epidemiologists warn there is no proof that antibody tests can show if someone who has been infected cannot be infected again. There is no evidence that people who have recovered…
There are presently increasing amounts of information concerning protecting the health care worker, including in the operation room. This section brings together the latest information, data, and recommendations for personnel…
When surgeons make mistakes Doctors have seen some pretty gnarly things in hospitals and waiting rooms but surgeons are the medical professionals who see the most gore. By the very…
French Hospital Stops Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for COVID-19 Patient Over Major Cardiac A hospital in France has had to stop an experimental treatment using hydroxychloroquine on at least one coronavirus…
Based on available evidence, children do not appear to be at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults. While some children and infants have been sick with COVID-19, adults make up…
Delaying elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic increases hospital bed capacity as well as boosts supplies of personal protective gear and ventilators. KEY TAKEAWAYS Both the Centers for Disease Control…
Scientists have been assessing how long coronavirus can survive on surfaces Found the virus is stable on the outer later of a surgical face mask for 7 days But the…
Virus may have jumped from animal to humans long before the first detection in Wuhan, according to research by an international team of scientists Findings significantly reduce the possibility of…
A rising death toll among doctors in Italy provides a warning about the dangers of poor protection and testing. Last week, the Italian government began publishing a new dataset related…
As supplies have dwindled, doctors and nurses have improvised ways to make their stock last. Now they’re urging leaders to help. An intensive-care nurse in Illinois was told to make…
1. What is SARS-CoV-2? What is COVID-19? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the name given to the 2019 novel coronavirus. COVID-19 is the name given to the disease…
Concerns about the spread of coronavirus have increased demand for hand sanitizer to the point that people are considering making it at home. But hand sanitizer isn’t a panacea, and…
SCIENTISTS racing to find a coronavirus vaccine will infect volunteers with a strain of the deadly bug – for £3,500. Up to 24 people at a time will be paid…